You are here: Manage Listings > Enter New Listings > Create or revise a listing so that it cannot be viewed by the public

Set a listing so that it cannot be viewed by the public

If you do not want a listing to be viewed by the public, then set the Public Viewable field to No. You can do this when you first enter the listing, or if you have already entered the listing you can revise this field.

NOTE: This field only applies if your MLS offers a public view of listing data.

To create or revise a listing so that it cannot be viewed by the public  

  1. From the Listings menu, choose View/Revise Your Listings.
  2. Locate the appropriate listing and click the Revise icon. Then, click the Listing Information link.
  3. Locate the Public Viewable field and set it to No.
  4. Click the Submit button in the MLS toolbar.

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